17 Things You Didn’t Realize You Were Grateful For

The Awesome Gratitude Experiment

Could you imagine what life would be like without any one of these things? The list goes on, of course, but each of us have a lot more to be thankful for than we realize.

  1. Mobility
  2. Your senses – sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell, etc.
  3. Time – Everyone’s is limited, every day above ground is a good one.
  4. Electricity
  5. Trash service
  6. Toilet paper
  7. Indoor plumbing and clean running water
  8. Accessibility to resources like food and water
  9. Your memory
  10. Ability to love or be loved
  11. Access to information
  12. Technology
  13. Clean air
  14. Entertainment
  15. Civil rights
  16. Nature
  17. Music

Which are you most thankful for…? Share with us below!