Cancer Horoscope

May 14, 2024… Communication could come easier than usual for you today, Cancer. It flows back and forth like a well-fed spring, filling in all the little details you have been missing. At work, some projects will expand while others reach completion. In love, it could be easy to dote over your partner and whisper sweet nothings with ease. Single? Approaching a special someone can lead to laughter and a more meaningful connection. You’re likely going to be all about flowing with words today. How will you use it?

Today’s Soul Advice: The world might seem unyielding, but life is more malleable than you may think. The path sometimes appears to veer from where you want to be, but often those are the times when you’re where you need to be. Listen to the lesson. Remember the lessons from your past, where adversity gave you fresh armor and new weapons — and use them to conquer not people but your day.


How to Spread Kindness Like Corona

( - Hungry for change? Same here. Truth is, we (yes, you and me)...