(HappierDaily.com) – LOOK AT YOURSELF! You’re slouched over. You’re exhausted. You’re probably starving too, huh? Here’s a simple reminder to take a frickin’ break. You have 5 minutes. No excuses!
Get up, stretch, go to that vending machine if you have to and refresh yourself.
How Microbreaks Help
Five to fifteen minutes is often all it takes to have a successful microbreak. Go to the restroom, get a drink of water, focus on something away from your computer, or take a quick walk just to get the blood pumping. Walking can help you think and mentally refresh you so that you’re ready to keep working when you sit back down. You don’t need to go far either. A quick stroll around the house or office can do.
Reduce Stress and Boredom
When you spend enough time working on the same thing, you tend to get tired of it. You grow frustrated and irritable, which makes it harder to concentrate. Walking away for a while is the best way to deal with stress and returning to your job with a clear head may help you to see the problem differently.
Get Your Body Moving
Sitting still for too long can take a toll on your physical health. If you’re at a computer, watching the screen for too long may give you eye strain and headaches. Your back and neck may get stiff or sore from staying still or hunched over, especially if your desk isn’t set up ergonomically.
A five to ten minute break every hour or so can make all the difference in your work day. Cutting yourself a little slack can not only end off your day on a high note, but also help you be more productive at your job. A healthier, happier you can start with less stress at work each day.
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