Be your own BFF.
When you’re down or feeling like you’re falling short, look in the mirror and say these few simple things. Soon you’ll believe in yourself again and feel worthy of anything.
Happiness is Beautiful. ― Jane Ko
Have pride in how far you have come. Have faith in how far you can go. ― Krysten Bishope
You don’t have to like everything about yourself to love yourself. ― Tres Adames
Progress NOT perfection. ― Sarah J. Darlow-Parker
When you fuel your body with love, your mind has no limits. ― Courtney Bentley
Don’t let your mind bully your body. ― June Tomaso Wood
Perfection is just a figment of human imagination. ― Cassi Schmigotzki
Just because I think it doesn’t make it true. ― Mallory Moss
In life we must celebrate who we are. Embrace your true-self and that in itself will set you free.