(HappierDaily.com) – A few things in life are great at robbing you of your happiness… Not realizing these two things were robbing mine every chance they got…
- Happiness isn’t a destination, it’s a choice.
- If I’m not happy right now with what I’ve got and how far I’ve come, then how can I be happy with more?
These 2 realizations have made me take into account all the beautiful things the present has to offer — EVEN when the present SUCKS (because hey, it does sometimes too) I still can find contentment in my life.
These 2 ideas have made me stop focusing on “ifs” and “might haves” about the future. I don’t worry about unknowns, I have eased my anxiety, and I appreciate every day more – good and bad.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present.
– Unknown
Feeling uncertainty or lacking control for the most part freaks a lot of people out — yet, that’s exactly what we do to ourselves when we focus too much on the future, which by the way — is REALLY out of our control.
Now of course, it can be very good to identify and align ourselves with a vision for our future and have goals. But REMEMBER, having “more” won’t get you real happiness and contentment until you can CHOOSE to be happy with what you have now.
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