Simple Tricks for a Quick Boost of Happiness

Simple Tricks for a Quick Boost of Happiness

( – 5 tips for a little self care when you need it…

Take a walk.

Did your morning stress you to the max? Take a quick 15 or 20 minute walk on your lunch break. Make it brisk. Get away from the office drama and gossip and enjoy some fresh air.

Text your bestie.

Text a friend and tell her how amazing she is. You’ll likely have a quick, positive exchange that will brighten both of your moods for the rest of the day.

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Listen to a favorite song.

This works best if it is an uplifting, positive song or one with a quick, fun beat. Sing along; dance around your house; or just sit and enjoy. Whatever makes you feel good.

Strike a yoga pose.

Even beginners can find tons of yoga tutorials online. Find a simple and relaxing yoga pose and focus on it for two or three minutes. Pulling your focus somewhere else for few minutes can end up being more productive as it lets your mind reground itself for what you need to accomplish after.

Shake up your routine.

It doesn’t need to be a massive change, especially if you only have a few minutes to work with. It’s as simple as ordering a different afternoon beverage or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. It may not be exciting but you’ll feel empowered and you may end up with a few extra minutes to simply focus and regroup.

Inevitable snags are bound to hit everyone’s days and can add up to a pile of stress, but you can certainly spend a few minutes throughout your day giving yourself a little self-care to balance it out. You’re worth it.

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