Study: Eating Chocolate and Drinking Red Wine Reverses Aging In Human Cells

Study: Eating Chocolate and Drinking Red Wine Reverses Aging In Human Cells

“Trust me you can dance.”
With love,

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So today’s happy discovery starts out with a previous study that shows aging in human cells is characterized by two things. First, changes in gene expression and then splicing factors — which are a type of protein — become inactive as we age and are no longer able to divide the way young ones do.

Good news, though! Research shows that old human cells can be rejuvenated using chemicals similar to resveratrol, which is a substance found in red wine and dark chocolate. Yesssss.

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And guess what?! If you choose not to drink red wine it’s ok! Resveratrol is found in grapes too – so you can eat those instead! There are actually 70 plant species that have this natural compound in it, so if you have sensitivities – you’re bound to find one that works for you! No one gets left behind.

The newer study shows that when researchers added chemicals similar to resveratrol, called “resveralogues,” to aging human cells – it reactivated splicing factors. Which according to the previous study means that “old cells” that don’t splice now become young cells that do splice – and they can divide again!

“[The findings demonstrate] that when you treat old cells with molecules that restore the levels of the splicing factors, the cells regain some features of youth,” explained study author Prof. Harries to Medical News Today.

“They are able to grow, and their telomeres — the caps on the ends of the chromosomes that shorten as we age — are now longer, as they are in young cells.”

“[We] were quite surprised by the magnitude of [the findings],” said Prof. Harries who also shared that the rejuvenating effects lasted for weeks.

“This is a first step in trying to make people live normal lifespans, but with health for their entire life,” explains Prof. Harries.

Study co-author Prof. Richard Faragher, of the University of Brighton, added in:

“At a time when our capacity to translate new knowledge about the mechanisms of aging into medicines and lifestyle advice is limited only by a chronic shortage of funds, older people are ill-served by self-indulgent science fiction. They need practical action to restore their health and they need it yesterday.”

Super interesting, right? What do you think about it? Comment below!