Libra Horoscope

Sep 17, 2024… When it comes to the little details, Libras might need a hand today. It isn’t a sign of weakness to ask for help — it can be quite smart. A fresh set of eyes will likely see things you don’t. Bringing in one or more people to help get a job done right will be where productivity and quality can flourish. Teamwork can save the day. Just remember to not micro-manage others; do what you do best and let them do their thing, too. You might find that things go even better than you planned.

Today’s Soul Advice: Those obstacles existing in the way of what you yearn for? Those don’t have to be walls or mountains. They’re stepping stones. They’re rest areas. They’re whatever you decide they are. Make them a foothold on your climb to success.


How to Spread Kindness Like Corona

( - Hungry for change? Same here. Truth is, we (yes, you and me)...