Aquarius Horoscope

Nov 12, 2024… Aquarians will likely excel at dealing with people today. If personal or professional relationships have felt a little rough lately, try being generous with praise rather than bringing up old issues. Today’s positive energy will be fantastic for you to do something unexpected for that special someone. You know how deeply you can touch another’s heart when you show them that they matter to you.

Today’s Soul Advice: Let go of regret. It’s hard, isn’t it? We have to remind ourselves that no matter our choices, we make the best decision we can in the moment. While hindsight may be 20/20, we don’t always have the “best” answers right then and there. We just have to act. Even with mistakes, we can rejoice in knowing we learned something. Give yourself a break. Let that regret go, friend.


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( - Hungry for change? Same here. Truth is, we (yes, you and me)...